Sunday, January 23, 2011

Welder Goggles Home Depot

I often think of the capacity of my heart that such a tank full of prayer and God I need to fill large reserves of peace and quiet for the years of famine to come. As the Psalm 144: Our granaries are full, overflow with fruit of every kind . Dwelling alone can feed of silence and prayer. But thanks to the shared moments of prayer in my community. Retreats and monthly meetings in Palermo for the Diocese consecrated. And yet the moments of strong spirituality that I live in my spare time and that the Lord gives me. Thanks to these moments, I can deal with the crisis? When besieged, attacked inside when the fire is around me, I can not wait and see but I feel the fire extinguishers to activate the reaction, the Canadair prayer, the Lord of custody , using the spiritual weapons of defense and offense, to fight and attack the evil. So you always have full tanks to put out the fires which surround and flare around us. Woe if at that time had have become aware of the tanks empty. If I am in a situation like the foolish virgins who have no oil in the lamps. Or if my tanks - as broken cisterns that can hold no water (Jer 2: 13) - are insufficient or unable to contain the gifts of God Rather, it is good to build new ones, not to oppose God but to give them space to accumulate and store treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consumes and where thieves do not break in and steal (Mt 6, 20). You can come to God through love or need. Faced with the danger I'm stupid if I know anyone can help me and I'll jump in His arms. The need to pray not only for the present but also for the future, as I have taught my parents when, in their economy wise, we showed that it was necessary to save and put aside because you never know what can go meeting, you should not work and make money just to practice today but we must anticipate the future, like ants. In prayer you can not be measured but we must pray without measure - pray ceaselessly (Lk 18, 1) - so that something can move for a rainy day. The Bible is full in for more of this reversal of the situation obtained by prayer (see Sara, Job, Esther, Tobit, etc.)
I was lit on the power of prayer and as Mary says: down the mighty from their thrones and lifted up the lowly (Lk 1, 52).
I realized that through prayer occurs as a ping pong game. The evil that can not be rejected back to where it came.
Prayer is the power of faith that guides our hand against evil, as it did for David against Goliath. The old houses in Castanea all had a big tank rainwater roof. But you could not use it all, thinking only of the present. There might be some risk of low rainfall year and not run out of 'water must think of the future.
So I think that in the spiritual life can never exhaust the stocks of prayer but you have to carry pots full of silence, peace, worship that help us address the situations.
We can not predict when evil is poured on us and attack us. We do not know the hour of temptation, we do not know when the Lord will Therefore we must always be ready with the safety belt to the sides and your lamps burning (Lk 12, 35).
There is no other way to neutralize the evil beyond our positive and there is no way to shut it down after the prayer.
We deal daily with the evil that is in us, the evil of our past, the evil in others and that is against us and the evil that is in those who call for the solidarity of prayer.
A Sometimes you do not know how to face and solve problems, setbacks, obstacles and barriers in our business. Things get more and more entangled, and when it seems to have unraveled the skein instead become more chaotic. One may wonder what to do? If we were to get in the way or if the fight is against us and therefore indirectly against our business?
So should put everything in God's hands, an act of profound trust in Him, His power.
As the Psalm says: Manifesta your way to the Lord, trust him to accomplish his work (Ps. 37, 5).
It should retire to prayer, almost ignore things that do not go, we placed in the heart of the Lord, like Moses, climb the mountain of prayer and lift your hands to the Lord, as if to touch it, to get closer to him, to perceive his presence and his touch.
In prayer it is certain that we are able to do more for all the things that should not be like Moses and we are sure we will win the war. We feel we too powerful, the power of God
exposes us to the burning rays of His grace and look forward to.
Jesus is a sun that burns, but that does not burn heals, heals the heart and melts the ice. Prayer is our wealth and our possession. How to destroy the giant Goliath of our worries and our problems?
Stand therefore still, girded your loins with truth, and put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having as shoes for your feet zeal to spread the gospel of peace. Keep taking the shield of faith with which you can extinguish all the fiery darts of the wicked take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit (Eph 6, 14 - 18). After that we we say to the enemy, with all the bravado of our holy faith You come against me with sword, spear and pole vault. I come to you in the name of the Lord. (1 Sam 17, 45)
Giuseppe Ficarra annunciatines


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