Monday, January 10, 2011

Congratulate To Coworker On New Job


By virtue of Baptism all become missionaries, but what is Mission?

is a call, a mandate, a need, an urgency, a poverty to live in an area, a center, a place of worship, is a presence, a service, a gift, a smile, a hand, a confidence, a hope. It is your love and communion that creates, like a stone in the pond, the concentric circles of friendship, sympathy, attention, involvement, responses. These are the people who make the mission the goal of their lives, around us, which are tuned to the same wavelength of the ad, they think of us, reminding us, who sacrifice themselves, who want to be here physically but they are deeply in his heart.

"The Angel of the Lord declared unto Mary." He is the first missionary.

's Mission: comes to us by God, but not in the singular sense, is from God to us, we the poor, the poor and expands us. Each ad is for the world and to every creature. It has the power of the Spirit and our faith. It should be accompanied by prayer and hope. The announcement human means, human mediation, human resources, but we carry the ad or an ad? What force has hidden himself in our listing?

Mission is an answer: "And she conceived of the Holy Spirit ... He went to Elizabeth." Mission is one, is a church, the Kingdom is one.

Mission is the heart of Christ, called by the Father, in obedience to the Father, the answer to God and the world. It is the essence of Christ's heart, and your feelings, your passion, your thirst for salvation and righteousness. Mission is the pain of Christ's heart, the pain, anguish, anxiety, the beating of your heart. To him who strikes the heart of Christ?

The wounded heart of Christ is open space, broken fence, door wide open field for sowing, fertile soil, the land tilled by the plow. It's mission accomplished, it is port (east consummatus " gave all of himself). Mission is radical, not energy savings. In the heart of Christ we arrived, as the spacecraft reaches the moon. There has to come our way. The heart of Christ is the goal, to reach our planet. mission is to make every man a lover of God and eternity, who lives off her engagement to the eternal marriage, a person waits, the advent of man, a person looking for a lover of research, 'Exodus man, a lover of prayer, the man of Oreb, a friend of God, man of Easter. You put God in the heart man and man in God's heart and the hearts of the brothers. Give our brothers the same prayer, our joy, our happiness, our youth, our comfort, our hope, our faith, our God "Take, eat: this is my body - this is my blood "(Mt 26, 26 - 27)

GIUSY FICARRA annunciatines


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