Friday, December 17, 2010

White Bumps On Soft Palate


The elegance of living and being

The woman of beauty and elegance inner

celebrate or think Mary is like looking at a very high balcony where you can admire a vast panorama. How to go to a store or a supermarket where there are objects of the highest quality, where everything is classy, \u200b\u200bgreat, best, original and unbeatable. Do there is not enough to relate everything to that level of virtue and life. A true believer should be one that should live forever dissatisfied a steel tension to the values, the beauty and grandeur of life. can not be narcissistic, self-complacent and self-congratulatory self, of his virtues and achievements, but a spiritual seeker lover, a pilgrim, above all, a dreamer. His saying should be 'not enough'. I am not just my faith, my prayer, my devotion, my spiritual life, my contemplation, what I have achieved. Not enough for me none of my so-called virtues. There will never be enough, there will always overcome, because they are really endless, unattainable, which we know only the contours. A serious person can say the same for all dimensions of life. There is enough honesty? Our justice, fairness, consistency? There is enough for our loyalty. If we go deeper, more gentle in speech, then proclaims that every saint is not enough for her chastity, her virginity, our purity, in their own state of life, because they are target values \u200b\u200band build, day by day, to love, desire, dream, ask, on which appear, like Moses arrived on the promised land.

are boundless universe which is beyond us, the views that are revealed gradually, in life, like climbing a mountain widens the viewing angle. are actually taking consistent with the gradual discovery and closer to God

more we go to God, the more we enter into the light, reveal themselves and know the joys of the flesh and spiritual physicality. not only the life spiritual journey, progress, surpassing oneself but also every aspect of life, including moral as all the other is inseparable from spirituality. eternally 'dissatisfaction with ourselves, looking at Maria contemplate the full measure of life. She is 'the more', the beyond, what we lack, we desire, yearn, dream. Yes, she is our dream, and as the flesh of our dream. The dream come true. As a person or dream a reality and then meet her and say, 'here's what I wanted to see'! the final draft is complete, the total of my life. That's the goal, the program. That's all! Here's what I was looking for! Here what is enough for me! Behold the elegance of all aspects of life! Not the arrangement ol'accomodamento, a rough measure, a summary, a summary or a hint of the virtues but all!

In her there is all the fullness, the extent to overflowing! There is no saving on the virtues or values, the lower quality of virtue or a hoax. In her there is no addition of water, there's no 'wine not so good' but excellent wine.

You do not need to appear because it is.

not deceive because the truth has to sell.

have nothing to hide or cover you because everything is transparent and light. Elegance You are in the highest degree and compared to the very deepest fibers of living. Everything is splendid, everything is beautiful, everything is all smiles and joy that makes sense. Wonderful statues that depict why there are the effervescence of life.

The abundance of inner realization.

The explosion of happiness.

The overflow of the meaning of life.

The splendor of the chaste life.

The unboundedness of joy.

The immensity of fidelity.

The brightness of purity.

Everything has experienced the highest degree of elegance. The n deep down she is nothing but the 'have' our 'not yet'. Just look to you to find a path and a future .

GIUSY FICARRA annunciatines


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