Saturday, November 20, 2010

Blaupunk Gta2 Special Mk 2

Books on Villarosa: Santo Palmeri WORDS OF THE VERNACULAR BELLARROSA

word of the vernacular of Bellarrosa - Holy Palmeri and author has collected, classified and ordered, terms and vocabulary of the dialect of Villarosa, making a 'truly original work. Poets such as Vincenzo de Simone had used the language for their work crystallizing the accumulation of culture that was produced in the language of the people of Villarosa. The vernacular as only unique, featuring every town Italy is a piece of history that engages in everyday language and is the memory of a territory. Villarosa in its history has known several migrations that have characterized and formed the local dialect, as pointed out by prof. Luigi Di Franco, who oversaw the preface to the volume of Palmeri. The author has created the conditions so that the linguistic identity of a country like Villarosa is not lost in time and preserve the memory of his people.
20/11/2010 Appointment to the municipal library of Villarosa at 17 for presentation of the book with the author, prof. Di Franco and Mayor and Head of Culture.


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