Monday, January 17, 2011

Wife Biteing Husband Nipples

Swords Display

"And not only did Milan swords, which cut all sorts of iron without damage, but also swords windows which were shattered in the hands of those who disregarding the secret, they could not conveniently endeavor.
[...] 'Such a manufacture made in Milan, a very exquisite master, two pairs of arms, swords, daggers so much, but all windows , namely that broke like glass, although it was of iron or acciajo, sharp, pointy, shiny and polished swords and daggers as common, but in such a way as to shatter tempered as impact glass, in the hands of those who did not know how to use them, help him, touch and wounding in a particular way, which was agreed to such weapons. But who knew of its use and how to properly deal with those shots, hardly broke '. "

The Armaroli Milanesi, Gelli-Moretti, 1903


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