The Second Vatican Council promulgated a document Dogmatic Constitution on the Church Lumen Gentium 8 chapters.
1, The Mystery of the Church.
2 ° The people of God
3 ° hierarchical constitution of the Church and especially the episcopate.
4 ° Laity.
5 ° universal call to holiness in the Church.
6 th religious.
7 ° eschatological nature of the pilgrim Church and its union with the Heavenly Church.
8 ° THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY MOTHER OF GOD IN THE MYSTERY OF CHRIST AND THE CHURCH. Before promulgating it in its entirety, they had an interest in Mary of Nazareth. It is within the Church Lumen Gentium, which is in reference to Mary in chapter 8 °. It's a Mary, then, that should be seen, reports, studies in reference to Christ and the Church. A Mary that is reported, reports and mail in reference to Christ and the Church is certainly not the Maria designed, built, created by God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. The Mystery of Christ and the Church says that Mary is compared to Christ, which is Mother, Collaborator, servant and disciple. In relation to the Church which is a member, party, mother, and Gene (particle chromosomes), segment of the Church, and model of the early Church, which contains all the features that are KOINONIA = Communion; DEACONS = Service; Cristofani = Bearer of Christ; ESCHATOLOGY = Pledge and sign a new heaven and new earth. Mary is intrinsic relationship to the Church, Mary Church. Already from the title, it can be concluded that the early Fathers of the Council intend to put Mary in relation to Christ and the Church in the Economy of Salvation. Throughout the document refers to Chapter 8, sets the reference to Mary, content, values \u200b\u200band perspectives. It has a preface and a conclusion. As if it were a separate document. It is the largest chapter of Lumen Gentium. Ever there was a council that has treated so extensively on the Virgin Mary. The logical subject that is noted in the title is Mary in the Mystery of Christ and the Church. So it's a theological subject and the protagonists of the Mystery Salvation is of Christ and the Church which continues the work. Maria has meaning, importance and meaning, as much as compared to that mystery, as it is done by Christ and the Church. The document REDEMPTORIS MATER John Paul II states that: The Church in the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary sees as beginning, even before. = Mary Church -> Church, that looks to Mary as a sure hope. (The beginning of the mysterious journey of the Church) as the Mother of Christ is to underline the fact enunciated by title = Theotokos Mother of God (ie the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God in the Mystery of Christ and the Church) The Divine Motherhood Maria explains so much as part of that mystery - Mother of the Son of God -> According to what is proclaimed in the Council of Ephesus 431 AD C. as the culmination of a theological dispute between Cyril of Alexandria and Nestorius. For Nestorius Jesus are two people side by side as juxtaposed: the divine and the human person. (We say a person, two natures divine human) That's why Mary could be called the Mother of Christ (CRISTOTOKOS, ANTROPOTOKOS) and not God But since the Word is a single person, and Christ is the only person of the Word, motherhood is a report from person to person. So Mary has relationship with the divine person of the Word, which allows Word to fit within the fold of human nature - so is the Mother of the Incarnate Word of God incarnate, = Theotokos. St. Paul in Galatians emphasizes this truth and says that: "In the fullness of time God sent forth his Son born of woman - it shows the kenosis = Lower, Jesus annihilation that sacrifices itself for our recovery, we might receive adoption as children. It is made partaker of creaturely limits Gal 4, 4-6 is the initial germ of Marian doctrine, namely the truth of faith: Mary Mother of God. Paul declares that Mary is connected to the saving plan of God's divine motherhood of Mary highlights two aspects of the Incarnation: one hand, the Son of God, it changes to become the son of a woman to belong to the human race. In addition, the lower tends to elevate humanity to God Cyril of Alexandria insists on using the term Theotokos for the Virgin Mary has begotten the Son of God in the flesh. NESTOR does not allow "Communication idiomatum", ie the possibility of putting the properties of both nature (human and divine) to the only person of Christ. St. Paul wants to commend incontrovertibly the incarnation of the Son of God (Born of a woman) speaking with those words intended to indicate the type of human nature that is the embodiment the Word. Assumed by a woman human nature: fragile, delicate, transient, with the fate of death. This meaning can be deduced from the book of Job from Qumran and other steps. It is also true that this emphasis is the beginning of Paul's poignant truth of faith: Mary Mother of God = Theotokos -> in Galatians we have to light all the Mariology, which is the center that gives meaning and importance to this woman: Mary, Mother of the Son of God, and because the Son of God became incarnate in her, everything is the work of God, not man, therefore, is a total and absolute virginity, who wants to testify in a biological, moral and spiritual, that Everything happens by God, without any help from human person (as evidenced by the annunciation to Joseph) is therefore precisely because he had to be virgin mother of God (Theotokos), because it was more in keeping with its mission of Mother of God The dogma of the virginity of Mary was the first to succeed in order of time. Mary belongs to God in a particular way, she devoted herself to God because God has placed his hand on you in a unique way. God reveals himself to Mary, he called to a mission-kekaritomene = (is a term used only for Mary, that in that moment God reveals himself) mean filled with grace, that this action of grace that reach Mary starts Mary received from God and is in a passive way. Maria is always filled with grace. The virginal conception of Jesus was established from the outset, and has both a biological and a theological sense. that is, the only child of the Father is God, the coming of the Word, therefore, is the result of divine initiative. Maria is created, shaped and surrounded by His Holiness of God has always Holy, holy, Immaculate. With the dogma of the Immaculate Conception, we mean that Mary is the existence of the world spiritually solidarised sinner then God has wrapped the beginning of the existence of a father's love of Mary, preserved from sin and it is thanks to this love that Mary the Holy. From the first moment of its existence is was preserved from sin, filled with grace. Mary being the creature would have contracted original sin, but through the merits of the future Redeemer Mary was immune to this sin, for salvation is not freed, but the preservative for redemption. [In the Bible there is no formal indication of the Immaculate Conception, there are only clues] the grace of Mary is given in the view of her divine motherhood. In reference to the Annunciation through its Yes, has a son who will be called the Son of God the Holy Spirit comes on you ... in the Magnificat has done great things for me and holy is his name. Maria could only be formed in the holiness of God while remaining a saved, redeemed in a special way, special, especially if experiencing what we experience in the moment of baptism, in which we are like the Holy One, but while she is preserved from sin we are freed from sin with this type of realization of salvation and redemption. This reality of Mary uncorrupted, both for the Virgin (biologically and spiritually), then Mary is also incorrupt in the totality of his human nature, so that is taken up into heaven in body and soul. The end of corruption in (decomposition) wraps Maria regarding VIRGINITY ', the immaculate and the assumption, because that would be the implementation of the plan that God put in her fate, the model of the Church. The Church is the Bride of Christ, the Church, Christ gave himself so that the Church was all beautiful, pure and spotless, a sign and pledge of a new heaven and new earth. With the power of the Holy Spirit, Mary was able to be Mother and Virgin, and Virgin is also in hand on the Doctrine of the Faith. So is Mary who can not be divorced from the Mystery Mystery wanted to eternity from the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit is part of the history of time. So the reality of Mary in her practical woman, really lived in a political-cultural-religious context of his time, not a myth but it is the one who gave real depth to Christianity. With the power of the Holy Spirit, Mary was able to be Mother and Virgin. Fertilized by the Holy Spirit raises his children from the baptismal font. Virgin is also in hand on the Doctrine of the Faith. It is therefore a Mary who can not be divorced from that mystery of thought from all eternity by the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit is part of the history of time. Mary in the concrete reality of a woman in existence, that palpable then insert in a socio-politico-religious. The Son of God is not a myth, but one that has thick concrete to Christianity, so it can not evaporate in a world of myth and generic. Mary A generates the mother of Christ is the Son of God incarnate, and she cares for and lives with her son, belongs to her son, and when he says: Be it done unto me according to your word, then, is total neglect, exterior of this report as an umbilical cord that will never be cut, so it's a child who flourishes on his lips as an expression of an aching heart (Son, why have you done so -> and in that context, Mary is inserted deeper into the mystery of Christ and the Church, the son replied with a question: Did you not know that I must be about my Father's house? Eternity Son of a Father without mother without Father and Mother, here comes the way of faith of Mary, this woman, a passive instrument in God's hands, but carries its characteristics of the human person with its limitations. In fact, asking questions: How can this be? In Mary we see the growth of a suffered an understanding of its role in the mystery of Christ and the Church. Mary is troubled by the sense of those words in the ad. Luke 1: 26-38 "Preach about Jesus 'birth' - the Annunciation is the central event in the life of Mary, is called, brought into the mystery of Christ and then inserted in the history of salvation. Annunciation we have the revelation and the beginning of the mystery of the Incarnation on earth. God does precede the Incarnation the consent of the Son of Mary, for her humble Fiat was necessary because God's plan was viable, then you need the help of his faith. In its response to Mary presents herself as a servant of the Lord, the right attitude before God's plan, she becomes a sign of the change of heart by the Holy Spirit, giving his full availability. Consent given by Maria is not limited to a personal matter, but it is a fiat to the salvation of all humanity in the name (why is requested as the Daughter of Zion, in fact, Luke 1: 26-38 reads the light of new facts , what the prophet Zephaniah 3, 14 - 17 had already said. Is the first step in the second speaks of God's promised Messianic visit for a long time, but it does now, that is what Jerusalem was to be a neighbor, Maria has become for the immediate present, the good news announced the chosen people, we now live in the person of Mary. The Annunciation is the culminating moment of Mary's faith, but it is also the starting point of his journey towards God, Mary was completely abandoned to God, showing the obedience of faith and perfect cooperation with the grace of God in this beginning we see a particular heaviness of heart, and Mary had to draw near to live in intimacy with the mystery. For many years Mary remains in intimacy with the mystery of her Son, advancing on his journey of faith, as Jesus grew in wisdom and grace. Maria asks: how can this be? ... Son, why have you done so? Mary kept all these things in her heart and deepened. Maria, a woman with attitude dynamic, is a woman who rushed to the arrival of the news (your son is mad ") and the Maria Maria shows us a growing faith, and to grow in faith is taken by the hand son his is a disciple and is transported in a reality of a nearly lost contemplation of the divinity of the Son. Christ makes you understand and makes touch they should not so much interested in that reality, but must go further than ever see the Son and the Son. The Son highlights this great relationship: MOTHER-SON and SON-MOTHER. When asked who turn to Jesus, Who is my mother and my brothers? -> Jesus replied: Whoever does the will of God, who hears the word of my Father, then, gives us the true size of Mary: Woman of Listening, faith, depth and sensitivity. To put together the various pieces of events and words that are in his life the sword that will pierce your soul, some also refer to the sword of the crucifixion of His Son. Mary is a disciple and in this reality listening, we have the Discipleship of Mary: "Hear, O Israel" Shema Israel is the greatest commandment because she listens and is Mother. You disciples to participate in the life of the Son, the Son of intentions, the work of the Son, salvation and redemption to the Son. Mary that the Son has been saved, redeemed (especially), but this Mary who listens is not considered individually, Maria encloses the whole of humanity and is, in fact utters the words: "Let me, as you say "This is the voice of humanity, then the Church is the Church and humanity through Mary that made voice a member. There is Maria, Maria has an incontrovertible relationship with the Church which is a member. And just because Maria is a member of the Church, she lives up the characteristics of the Church. Paul VI says that if the church wants to celebrate the sacred mysteries in a dignified manner, then it must be like Mary, who is a woman of 'listening, a woman of prayer, which generates, and that suffering woman who has -> the exact words are: VIRGO audiens -> Virgin who listens § VIRGO NOW -> Virgin praying VIRGO PARIENS § -> § VIRGO Virgin generating OFFERENS -> Virgin offers and suffering. In this symbiosis between Mary and the Church we know more and more the reality of our believers, for all which is usually the Church says it must be said of every believer. Maria is a reference to Christ and the Church. As for the Church, Paul VI says: Mary is the Star of Evangelization because you find this dynamism of following Christ. Maria runs, walks toward Jerusalem to Bethlehem. Maria is in motion, she is the growth and pilgrimage of faith. As a human being felt the night of faith, the heaviness of heart with the agony, the heroism, the courage of a human person who trusts, trusts and relies. Able to overcome fractures of love and faith, and to recover those around him who have abandoned and betrayed his Son. All were with Mary, the mother Jesus -> John calls her the Mother of Jesus to Mary John looks like function, role and mission of Christ and the Church. John at the Wedding at Cana presents the bridegroom who is Christ, the bride is the Church and Mary. Maria at the wedding at Cana says: Do whatever he tells you! The people at the foot of Sinai answered together and said to Moses that the Lord has said we will do! Let's see how these people are present in Mary. Maria is a spokesman, is a personification of this reality: People Maria - Maria Church, we understand how Mary is not separate, isolated, but part of the mystery of Christ and the Church.
GIUSY FICARRA annunciatines