Tuesday, July 27, 2010

How To Remove Sony Xplöd

the yellow flower

And in you the Source of Life ( Sal 36, 10 )

As I walked down a street the Furies of Castanea (my hometown) a bit distracted, even pensive, I came across a beautiful plant, established by the roadside.

A very common plant with many branches, loads of yellow flowers. I had to stop for not going above and for the occasion, give him some time to take note of her beauty. So I realized that beauty touches us in many ways, sometimes the hard way. trying to capture our attention and our admiration.

E 'positive energy of nature that needs to express themselves. Unfortunately, we are too polite to meet and be in communion with beauty.

we go our way, unaware of what surrounds us, before us, with us, was created for us and was always thinking.

Before the mountains were settled, before the hills was I brought forth ( Pr 8, 25 ). That evening I was challenged, because the flower was waiting for me, wanted to accomplish in a meeting, feeling useful to himself and the world. There are almost falling over and this made me feel part of the flower in the middle of the flower and not only on the outside. I've heard in my life, I felt that was part of my story as I was part of her. E 'was created for me, I have created for her happiness. I was surprised to see that beauty does make its way, it can find its space even on the most common, and knows how to impose propose. He challenges us with the weapons of tenderness.

embraces us despite not having arms. Welcomes us, surprises us. A flower can step on, crush, destroy or meet as a living being. We should hear, listen, to learn of his contact with passers-by, speeches and thoughts that were addressed and the superficiality of those who do not even have turned a glimpse. Each flower is a flower, as every man is a man.

E 'praise to the Most High, a school of life, a universal message, a' supply of happiness. He has a purpose for existence. Even the flowers on the lawn ambirebbero meet the man and his sensitivity. Each flower is what all creation. It has a language and a speech to offer. He aspires to be heard before he died, to learn not to be lived in vain.

In response to those who seek confrontation, living for the clash and are carried out in the clash, a flower prefers to be overwhelmed and crushed succumb rather than responding all'inciviltà and violence.

As an ant or a bug waiting understanding of passers-by to avoid being eliminated, what is a flower? E 'sign of weakness to respect and honor.

The fragile flower and every encounter that still exist because no one has so far responded with a kick their weakness. Like all helpless creatures that we do not deserve to be kicked to express our strong over the weak, every flower reminds us that the Lord simply lifted up the lowly.

If we are liberated from within the sensitivity in listening, in the reception, we become free, not only of others but also of creation, nature, smaller creatures, and then all the beauty of black suffering in chains because can not reach the heart of man.

The world is a product of loveliness that explodes but most of it does not have the opportunity to comment and therefore groaning until now in travail ( Rm 8, 22 ). It should be full of people kneeling in front of a stone, a flower, an insect able to grasp because in them the traces of the divine and the creator.

I am pleased to invite you to remember me in prayer to my profession in the Institute the First Lady of the Annunciation (Pauline Family) August 18, 2010 at Ariccia - Rome House Divine Master

GIUSY FICARRA annunciatines

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Volleyball Camps In Michigan 2010

Project "Call to Arts Center Vocational Guidance

the heads of agencies, Youth Information Centres and Points
Network SIRG Campania
the presidents of the Youth Forum Campania

Subject: project "Call to Arts" - collection of materials about art forms to Monitoring Communication Culture and Youth Participation (Youth Policies, Department of Communication Sciences, University of Salerno )

The Centre Communication Culture and Youth Participation (OPCG) established by the Department of Communication Sciences at the University of Salerno, an expression of the Observatory on youth Regione Campania - Youth Policies and Youth Forum,


agencies, the Youth Information Centres and Points of Information System Regional Youth Forum and Youth Campania to take part in the project "Call to Arts.

Project "Call to Arts" provides for the establishment of a digital gallery, available through the regional portal www.giovani.regione.campania.it , which opens the exploration and use of the works and profiles of artists from Campania, a virtual tour of creative writing (poetry, fiction, script, etc..), traditional music and visual arts (painting, sculpture, photography, cartoons, shorts, etc..) and digital (graphic design, digital art, video poetry, video theater, video, dance, performing arts, etc.)..
youth artistic production, which has difficult access to consolidated circuits, so will recognition and appreciation along with a greater spread.

The initiative is divided into the following phases:

1) Advertising of the "Call to Arts" by the Youth Forum and Youth information through posters and press "Call to Arts" to be posted on bulletin boards and disseminate information on their web and print channels (site Informagiovani websites, newsletters, blogs, social networking, Facebook profile). You can contact the Centre to receive OCPG poster "Call to Arts" in 70x100 and further information material.

2) recording artist in the digital (independent from the transfer of works to the archive ): The format for registration can be completed by the artist online at http://www.unisa.it//Centri_e_Vari/ocpg/form.php ( section 'REGISTER' ) or in paper form.

3) Award of artistic material.
The provision of the works may take different forms:

a) ; hand delivery at the Youth Information Office (Point, Center, or agency involved in the project as a collection of works, see network address SIRG in Campania: http://www.giovani.regione.campania .com / informagiovani.cfm )
b) post to the seat of OCPG, Department of Communication Science - University University of Salerno, Via Ponte Don Melillo, 84084 Fisciano (SA) - Italy.
c) hand delivery at the Demo Events - Day organized tour in the University, the premises of the Youth Forum and bells in the streets (see calendar of events-Day Demo: http://www.giovani. unisa.it / events / events )

Concurrently with the delivery of the works, artists must sign the form 'GRANT WORKS' download at http://www.giovani. unisa.it / share / archive : that allows the publication of works in digital gallery "Call to Arts" and their advertising through the communication channels connected (Region webradio, webradio and webtv Unis und @ of the University of Salerno).

Attached to this the following documents:

· the press the "Call to Arts"
· The poster the "Call to Arts"
· The registration form artists
· The form for the provision of works of art

The project will be publicized through regional channels, university and other institutional channels and media, including the University of Salerno webradio und Unis @ (project partners).

The "Call to Arts" represents the spirit of institutions working on youth and the universe.
We invite you to set up at the 'Youth Information Office and the Youth Forum a collection of artwork and inform us via e-mail at: osservatoriogiovani@unisa.it (Subject: "Joining the Call to Arts").

The OCPG and Youth Policies and Youth Forum would like to thank all who contribute to the initiative.

Information and Contact Centre OCPG:
www.giovani.unisa.it - osservatoriogiovani @ UNISA. it - tel. 089.962840
Coordinator OCPG: Dr. Stefania Leone - Contact 'Call to Arts': dr. Alfonso Amendola

Contact Youth Policies and Youth Forum - Campania Region: dr. Aniello D'Ambra @ a.dambra maildip.regione.campania.it - tel. +39 081 7966218

Department of Communication Science - University of Salerno
Via Ponte Don Melillo - 84084 Fisciano (SA)

Monday, July 12, 2010

Can You Tan Before You Wax

Orient @ Piedimonte Matese (CE) Information Bulletin Digital

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Vocational Guidance Centre
Piedimonte Matese (CE)
Information Bulletin Digital
by Peter Smith - Head of UOC Dr . Michele Santoro
Year II - N 21                                                                    July 2010

meter reading experience for Alto Casertano

DEADLINE July 10, 2010

OTILS Srl, a company managing services, look for the area of \u200b\u200bAlto Casertano No 3 workers reading meters ENEL. Indispensaile requirement for admission to the selection is the experience, even briefly, as a clerk read the electricity meter, gas or water or as postmen. It also requires the possession of the license driving and his car. The territory will be the responsibility of the Matese, extended to the area of \u200b\u200bTean. Further information can be requested at the Center for Employment of Glossop, where they can also submit nominations complete Curriculum Vitae.

Enel Rete Gas will take on workers

Enel Rete Gas take graduates all over Italy. The subsidiary of Enel collects applications from workers and surveyors for inclusion in the database from which to draw at the time of recruitment. In the thoughts of Enel Rete Gas. From north to south of the boot, are dozens of opportunities available to graduates in technical roles involved in the gas mains or workers. Enel Rete Gas is the second largest operator in the field of natural gas and operates 31mila miles of local distribution networks in 1,200 municipalities.
The company, which is part of the Italian funds for infrastructure, is building a database of candidates from which to draw for future staffing needs. The professionals in the viewfinder are two. We start by Workers Network gas . We need a diploma in surveying, willingness to perform on-call shifts. Do not overlook even the factor experience, preferably gained in companies distribution network services. Places of work will be as follows: Biella, Albenga (Sv), Tradate (Va), Casteggio (Pv), Merlin (Lo), Lecco, Costa Masnaga (Lc), Piacenza, Seriate (Bg), Treviso, Spinea (Ve), Massa, Perugia, Viterbo, L'Aquila, Taranto, Naples, Catania and Lecce finally. For the profile of Worker gas network, the qualification required is Diploma industrial thermal engineering or mechanical. But they also experience in thermo-hydraulic, with reference to the management of urban gas networks. The locations reported by the company for workers are: Como, Piantedo (So), Bore (Pr), Codevigo (Pd), L'Aquila, Massa, Cecina (Li), Biella, Casteggio (Pv), Merlin (The ) Tradate (Va), Lecce, Piacenza, Treviso, Spinea (Ve), Seriate (Bg), Perugia, Viterbo, Naples, Catania, Taranto and Lecce. Be noted that priority will be given to those domiciled in the municipality or place of work in neighboring countries (distance possibly up to 30 km). Nominations recruitingerg@enel.com .
Source: Lavorare.net

Three thousand recruitment program with AR.CO . of ItaliaLavoro

DEADLINE August 31, 2010

Italy Lavoro SpA . is the implementing body Program AR.CO . on behalf of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy. To this end, Italy Lavoro SpA granted for small businesses and Commerce (Tourism)
Payments for hiring of permanent workers, full or partial
Payments for recruitment of contract workers to full-time apprenticeship;
Payments for processing of contacts term employment relationships of indefinite full or partial
Payments for technical assistance / expert advice;
contributions towards the establishment of business .
The applications for access to the contributions may be made exclusively through the Information System Program
www.arco.italialavoro.it , as detailed in the full texts of notices to the reading of which can be found, from February 1, 2010 and no later than 31/08/2010, unless exhausted available resources. Will not be accepted requests sent to Italy Lavoro SpA in different ways and after that date. For the participation requirements, conditions and procedures for submitting applications, please refer to the full versions of the notices, available on the website of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy www.lavoro.gov.it , and at the institutional www.italialavoro.it , section notices, and www.servizilavoro.it section reserved for the program AR.CO .
source: www.italialavoro.it

ASSITALIA INA - General Agency of Glossop


Coming from the insurance industry, with at least 2 years of experience, and have:

- diploma or degree
seriousness and resourcefulness - Ability Commercial
- good organizational skills and leadership
- capacity in management and coordination of their work group
- aptitude for problem solving
- predisposition to interpersonal relationships

acquire new customers - to develop a portfolio of existing
- assisting clients in the evolution of their needs
- expand its network of collaborators
- flank the newly inserted
in the first months of work - identifying new markets for the sale of products
- coordinating the team of

It offers:
specialist training - interesting plan for growth and career
- Monthly + commission + reward

Piedimonte Matese (CE)

e-mail: ina.piedimonte @ free. it

Wanted Hairdresser expert in Glossop

Hairdresser for women based in Glossop looking for staff.
For the details related to the board of the Center for Employment of Glossop

Sunamerica Vaeiable Annuities

Orient @ Digital Information Bulletin of the Center for Vocational Guidance of Glossop. Orienta

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Career Guidance Center
Piedimonte Matese (CE)
Information Bulletin Digital
by Peter Smith - Head of UOC Dr. Michele Santoro
Year II - N. 22                                                                    July 2010
^ III suspended the time window of Work Experience
The Campania Region last year, has issued notices to the Regional Work Experience as a system action to help out employment, placing them the integrated program for improving their employment in our region. The initiative for the activation of pathways Work-experience has been given only to companies of all sizes regularly entered in the register of companies and with production units in the Region of Campania. The Center for Employment of Glossop bring to the user and the companies interested in the Campania Region on 30.06.2010 with DD n.111 of 'Area 12 AGC General Coordination: Economic Development, having cover: " integrated program for improving their employment in Campania DGR 1262/2009 - public notice referred to DD No 133/2009 - Suspension III time frame, " has suspended the date for submission of applications for participation in the III" time window ", July 5 to 30, the integrated program for improving their employment in Campania under the DD Field No 133, 6/10/2009.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Creative Things To Say In A Wedding Card

Deo Gratias FOR THE JUBILEE GIRL FROM June 29, 2010

Looking at the pictures of the Jubilee, which took place June 29 with a solemn Mass in the crypt of the Shrine "Queen of the Apostles, chaired by Don Silvio Sassi, superior general of the SSP, the Pauline Family in Rome celebrated the jubilees of 25 °, 50, 60 years of ordination to the priesthood and religious life of its members. In the introduction to the celebration was pointed out that "To celebrate the jubilee of ordination to the priesthood or consecrated life is to celebrate God's faithfulness in the life of people called and institutions to which we belong. " At the end of the ceremony all those present received a lamp to draw the fire of the Spirit, a spirit of power and love and wisdom, so that they can each day to spread this light to those in their path. I would like to enter into the mystery of the way, question the standing of my brothers and sisters, to hear from them the trouble of going. Talk to walk, you reverse the sign of modernity and progress. You are walking a pilgrimage of Charity in the Truth.

The Bible sings the praises Foot: How beautiful are the feet of those who bring a good news. It helps us to discover and read the message of the human foot, to understand the poem, to put ourselves in contemplation of the role and service of your feet: How beautiful are the feet miracle of the dreamer and contemplative!

bare foot pain of Christ on the way to Calvary, to the land you paid your contribution terrible scorn. Foot of Christ carrying the excess weight of all the petty human embodied in the tree, I recognize you in the foot of my brothers. Earth tell us about the feet of the poor, let us read the message carved on your face. How much pain you have known, how many people you welcomed exhausted and dying! You certainly have experienced the pain and suffering and you have softened the contact of your children mad with grief. What did you do to relieve the pain? What did you do with tears and blood 'you know so many things - silent witness of pain not specified - you saw, you heard, you touched, you made one, you combined with the pain. Who has had a more intimate contact with human suffering?
Shoes! You are the gap and overcoming the pain, you give back the stolen dignity, in helping to discover the fugitive to be more of a body and not just the body. High man from the earth, the ridate a spiritual dimension. Shoes donated, human sacrifice, you give a softer light and life, given human bodies. You are the first fruits of the Jubilee Year, which open doors to life and love, a gift of mercy and compassion, reconciliation among people and nations. How beautiful are the shoes of the poor! How beautiful are donated shoes that cover and conceal the past stories of death and mud! Blessed are those who have caught the cry of pain of the foot and destroyed ideally wanted to kneel down to kiss the feet formless aspect, clusters of pain, to put on the block the view of God's love on hands while Jesus washes the feet of Judas, setting and taking in the tenderness and delicacy that image of God to man. In Jesus' gesture is all sacred history and the Alliance. I shudder to think of the feet of Judas in the hands of Jesus might have caressed them with more love, but rebelled against his nature, his hands were trembling. I would not want to find myself in the place of Judas! He must have had the instinct to withdraw his foot, fixed, run away, crying, screaming. Blood will have risen to the head: roar for the thrill of my heart ( Ps 38 (37), 9). Yet for his insane project remains there to desecrate a gesture of love. Out of fear, perhaps, to unfold and reveal his plan, does not put forward any objections or waste as Peter.
computer coldness of the human heart, which burns all good! The senses of the heart, eyes, ears, are lowered. It turns out the light of my eyes ( Ps 38 (37), 11 ). Her eyes are blurred. E 'blinded, stunned, his heart is frozen: my spirit languishes within me, it freezes my heart ... I stand before you as parched land ( Ps 143 (142), 4. 6). He does not feel, does not see, feel, does not see Jesus! Before his eyes are only 30 dinars. Jesus people, friends, God, is worth less money. Li has been cold, those feet, Jesus, ice cream from a heart stopped! There was no man in those feet were inert, non man reproach of men, ( Sl 22 [21] 7). I extended my hand every day to a rebellious people ( Is 65, 2 ). If your heart burns with love, the world will die of cold (Bernanos). Those feet have frozen your heart!
Jesus have heated them with your hands, like a friend who is dying of exposure: where sin abounded, grace has overflowed ( Rm 5, 10 ). In those feet all the rest are human coldness. Jesus moment for the thickness of eternity. In a flash, in those feet all the way the Bible reads: entered into your inheritance the nations, they have defiled your holy temple, have reduced Jerusalem to rubble ( Ps 79 [78], 1 ). The God who fashioned and made the earth and made it stable, has created not a waste, but has shaped it to be inhabited ( Isaiah 45, 18 ) is found between the hands those feet, the primeval chaos .. His heart cried tears secret on those feet as he wept over Jerusalem I devoured with zeal for your house, because my enemies forget your words ... Rivers of tears run down from my eyes because they do not keep Your law ( Sl 119 (118 ) 139 . 131).
lace curtains whoever attacks your life, plot pitfalls those who seek my ruin, and meditate deceits all day ... I repay good with evil, accuse me because I seek the good ( Sl 38 [37] 13. 21).
What is man that you remember the man that you care for him? ( Sl 8, 3 ).
meditate iniquity, shall carry out their plots, a chasm is the man and his heart is an abyss ( Ps 64 [63], 7). Man is like a breath, his days are like a passing shadow ( Ps 144 [143], 4 ). You have made him little less than God, glory and honor you crowned him, put all things under his feet ( Ps 8, 6-7 ). was not overcome by evil but overcome evil with good ( Rm 12, 21 ).
No one else has noticed those feet, perhaps no one else had taken them in his hands and had supervised the rigidity and coldness, sullenness and self-sociability.
For him they are holy, relics of creation, the work of God's hands: like clay in the potter's hand so are you in my hands the (Ger 18, 6 ). The Lord God formed man of dust from the ground ... and man became a living being ( Gen 2, 7 ).
The recall meeting with the sinner, his feet in his hands: Weeping began to wet with tears, then wiped them with her hair, kissed them and anointed them with ointment ... Simone Thou gavest me no kiss, but this woman since I entered has not ceased to kiss my feet ( Lk 7, 38. 45).
The stench of sin The heart of Judas brings to mind the the jar of ointment of pure nard, very precious The suffused with which the feet, and the memory of that fragrance of the ointment which filled the whole house (cf. Jn 12.3 ).
My faith, (supported by the liturgical feast of Holy Thursday), under the image and makes me see her kiss the feet of Judas. Scene of the improbable, the paradox of God, I remain astonished in front of the inexhaustible resources of His greatness! Just wonder can win our hearts, upsetting the insensitivity, win the resistance of the human heart!
Giuseppe Ficarra annunciatines

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Holiday Retirement Blog

The big question:

How did I survive 70 years?

1 .- As a child I went to the car that had no seat belts or airbags ...

2 .- Traveling in the back of a van was open special walk and I still remember the Serbian.

3 .- My crib was painted with bright colors, with lead-based paint.
4 .- I had no safety locks for children in the pack Medicines, in the bathrooms at the gateway.

5 .- When I was not wearing a bicycle helmet.

6 .- I drank the water from the garden hose instead of the bottled mineral water ...

7 .- spent hours and hours building and wheel barrows, fortunately I had to jump and down streets, halfway remembered not have brakes. After several battles against the bushes, I have learned to solve the problem. Yes, I had to cope with bushes, not auto!

8 .- I went out to play with the sole obligation to return before sunset. I had mobile phones ... so no one could find me ... Unthinkable!

9 .- The school lasted until 12:30, then went home for lunch with the whole family (yes, even with dad).

10 .- I cut myself, I break a bone, I lost a tooth, and no one made a complaint to these incidents. The fault was not to anyone but myself.

11 .- ate biscuits, bread, oil and salt, bread and butter and drank soft drinks and had never problems of overweight, because I was always around to play ...

12 .- I shared a drink in four ... drinking from the same bottle and nobody died from this.

13 .- I had no Playstation, Nintendo, X Box, video games, cable television with 99 channels, VCR, surround sound, personal cell phones, computers, Internet chat rooms ... Instead I had many friends.

14 .- I went out, riding a bike or walking up a friend's house, ring the bell or just I entered without knocking and he was there and we went out to play.

15 .- Yes! out there! In cruel world! Without a keeper! How did I do? Together they made games with sticks and tennis balls, formed teams to play a game and not all were chosen to play and the children were not dropped after a psychologist for trauma.

16 .- Some students were not as bright as others when they lost a year and kept repeating. None ranged from psychology, educational psychology, no one suffered from dyslexia or problems with attention or hyperactivity, simply took

some smack and he repeated the year.

17 .- I had freedom, failure, success, responsibility and learning to manage.

The big question then is this:

How did I survive and grow to become great?

This was my childhood ... Today

childhood has changed dramatically ...

The article helps to understand and make a comparison with the reality of today!

Hello from Giuseppe Ficarra annunciatines