As I walked down a street the Furies of Castanea (my hometown) a bit distracted, even pensive, I came across a beautiful plant, established by the roadside.
A very common plant with many branches, loads of yellow flowers. I had to stop for not going above and for the occasion, give him some time to take note of her beauty. So I realized that beauty touches us in many ways, sometimes the hard way. trying to capture our attention and our admiration.
E 'positive energy of nature that needs to express themselves. Unfortunately, we are too polite to meet and be in communion with beauty.
we go our way, unaware of what surrounds us, before us, with us, was created for us and was always thinking.
Before the mountains were settled, before the hills was I brought forth ( Pr 8, 25 ). That evening I was challenged, because the flower was waiting for me, wanted to accomplish in a meeting, feeling useful to himself and the world. There are almost falling over and this made me feel part of the flower in the middle of the flower and not only on the outside. I've heard in my life, I felt that was part of my story as I was part of her. E 'was created for me, I have created for her happiness. I was surprised to see that beauty does make its way, it can find its space even on the most common, and knows how to impose propose. He challenges us with the weapons of tenderness.
embraces us despite not having arms. Welcomes us, surprises us. A flower can step on, crush, destroy or meet as a living being. We should hear, listen, to learn of his contact with passers-by, speeches and thoughts that were addressed and the superficiality of those who do not even have turned a glimpse. Each flower is a flower, as every man is a man.
E 'praise to the Most High, a school of life, a universal message, a' supply of happiness. He has a purpose for existence. Even the flowers on the lawn ambirebbero meet the man and his sensitivity. Each flower is what all creation. It has a language and a speech to offer. He aspires to be heard before he died, to learn not to be lived in vain.
In response to those who seek confrontation, living for the clash and are carried out in the clash, a flower prefers to be overwhelmed and crushed succumb rather than responding all'inciviltà and violence.
As an ant or a bug waiting understanding of passers-by to avoid being eliminated, what is a flower? E 'sign of weakness to respect and honor.
The fragile flower and every encounter that still exist because no one has so far responded with a kick their weakness. Like all helpless creatures that we do not deserve to be kicked to express our strong over the weak, every flower reminds us that the Lord simply lifted up the lowly.
If we are liberated from within the sensitivity in listening, in the reception, we become free, not only of others but also of creation, nature, smaller creatures, and then all the beauty of black suffering in chains because can not reach the heart of man.
The world is a product of loveliness that explodes but most of it does not have the opportunity to comment and therefore groaning until now in travail ( Rm 8, 22 ). It should be full of people kneeling in front of a stone, a flower, an insect able to grasp because in them the traces of the divine and the creator.
I am pleased to invite you to remember me in prayer to my profession in the Institute the First Lady of the Annunciation (Pauline Family) August 18, 2010 at Ariccia - Rome House Divine Master
GIUSY FICARRA annunciatines