Monday, March 9, 2009

Katarzyna Kaczorowska Gliwice

edit this image:
First, I duplicated the image from the menu Image / Duplicate. This
to always have in view the original image is not edited. * (You can also avoid this step, I made this just for my convenience) *
dominant blue : I used the Match Color Image Settings menu. * (There are also other techniques, chosen based on the image to be corrected)
* Brightness adjustment : Lights and shadows in the Image menu, Adjustments, converted Subject advanced. With this action is gone ... even the slight haze in rhyme * (convert to Smart Object means being able to intervene at any time, for example a filter applied several steps before. This feature was introduced by whisker version of Photoshop CS3) * Straighten image
: Before I unlocked the background layer (double click on it) I took as a reference of 'horizontal and vertical high-rise bridge over the water and the far right, using the guidelines. Approaching the Move tool pointer near a corner of the image I have rotated the useful part I selected and cropped with the Crop tool from the Image menu.
At this point was still tilted and deformed the safety rail just above the asphalt down, perhaps due to a weak or deformed due to a side angle shot. I however rectified with Altera menu Edit / Transform.
* Excerpts with Levels, Curves and merged all the layers on the palette to a new level: Shift + Ctrl + Alt + EHO duplicate the layer you just created and to counter the image I used the High Pass filter by Filter / Other, with a radius very low: 1.5 pix. then changing the blending mode to Overlay.


Pic16f877a Transmitter

resolution images for print lab

must first understand the concept of image-size-
This window (the one below) is divided into two equal:

- Size pixels: is the physical size of the image, that is the subject of the picture.
- Document Size: Instead here we find the resolution and the issue of the print image.
That said, remember that you should never increase the size of the pixels to increase the size of the image, because in this case loss of quality, making it more grainy, while the contrary can be reduced without any loss of quality. As you can see the window below, the pixel size is 2.25 MB which is the material available to work on it. Steps to prepare a document for printing are as follows: Remove the check mark in the box Resample Image, bring the resolution to 300 and confirm with Ok. Or leave it in Photoshop, by clicking the''Cars.''

How Muh Is Laminating At Staples

userbars by Photoshop Tutorial

As some of you are interested in the implementation of userbars, I suggest getting those effects that are noted on the bars downloaded from the web and many have included in their signature. As an example, take the bars, the only site that by the time I visited. With Photoshop, we begin by opening a new document with the parameters of the underlying image.

Now we can start working on our project, as the more we meet, inputting color images and written. The font that is the master on the bars is called the Visitor-BRK by which the design Urerbars write in capital letters, type: windows user, spaghetti fun, big boobs hunter. The font can be downloaded from HERE As you can see, many bars have lines cross each other and equidistant from all tilt all the same size. Them one at a time would be one thing not only exhausting, but the final result disastrous. If you zoom out on a bar you will find that those lines are formed by dots. Here's how to make the lines, precise and quickly:

STEP [1] choose a hard brush and round the tip just above the palette of browser where you can find the tabs, click on the Brushes tab. This is what it appears.

Now we click on Brush Tip Shape and pull down the slide until you get this.
STEP [2] Open a new document now 100x100pix transparent color in the upper right and give a brush, preferably black, the size of 3pix. On the keyboard we down the Shift key and give the second point of brush in the lower left.

STEP [3] Save now giving it a name as a preset brush. The resume immediately for testing: To get the diagonal lines all the same and perfectly spaced, with our brush just done, we give a point on the far left of an image the size of a bar and holding down the SHIFT key, Diamon another extreme right and draw the lines here.

A tip: put them on the transverse lines of a new level, so that they can change at any time without affecting the rest of the image. Another thing you notice is the slight effect on the bars of light that gives a 2D effect. To make it proceed like this: Draw an elliptical selection
that mean they can not hit, move, distort and change at will, after you click on Select> Transform Selection. (For convenience I've also used the rulers and guidelines)

We set the foreground color to white. Select the Gradient tool on the Tool Options bar we put the flag in the Transparency box and throw a gradient from top to bottom doing various tests to obtain a satisfactory result.